Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Final 23 Things Blog Post

After learning 23 things about Web 2.0, I realize there are a lot of web applications I know nothing about. It was so enlightening to find out about sites where I can post pictures and sort my favorite sites. I think the most useful thing I learned about was the word processing web sites. I had heard about them, but never got around to seeing how really helpful they are. I would definitely take a class like this again. If someone mentions bloglines or flicker, at least I know what they are talking about.

Audio books

Wow. I listened to the first chapter of Jayne Anne Krentz's All Night Long. Years ago I checked into the audio book collection, but only classic novels were available. I will always love the printed work better than an audio, but it is nice to know I have another option now. I do listen to audio books in the car, and the audio books are available for CD burning during the check-out period. I'll have to do that one of these days.

podcast How is this? I copied the shortcut for a Ken Burns interview on the Library of Congress Page. I found several interesting interviews with authors on this site. Ken Burns is one of my favorite documentary authors. The instructions said to add the RSS feed to the bloglines. I did it, and now I have over 10 RSS feeds on my bloglines.

YouTube This is a video of Ernie singing the Rubber Ducky Song. I was trying to find an old song from my childhood, 'Playmate', but there were too many videos using 'Playmate' or 'Play Mate' as tags. My next try for 'Rubber Ducky' was a lot easier. I can see the benefits of using YouTube in the library. For example, seeing an animal in the wild, rather than in still photos would be more educational for a student doing a report. Or finding an old childhood song and actually hearing it, rather than reading the lyrics is much more satisfying.

Friday, June 27, 2008


I looked at the award winning site for books, Lulu. It is set up with tabs, which makes it easy to locate something. Unfortunately, I would need a lot of time to become familiar with all the offerings. Like most sites with a lot of information (like the PBC library site), the more you use it, the easier it is to find something. There are still things I am discovering about the library web site. Maybe some day I'll have time to explore all those other interesting sites.


Wow. Do you see the test document I published? I love the idea of writing documents online. My computer at home doesn't have word and I always have to use wordpad. Now I know I can use Zoho! This is going to save me a lot of problems trying to figure out which program to use to open a message. Thanks 23 things!


This is a new document writer I am trying out.  Can you read it?  Can you see the picture?  If you can, I did this right!